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Use Hidden or Decoy wallets on your Trezor devices

February 07, 2020

Trezor team issued a statement on how the Read Protection Downgrade Attack could completely compromise your mnemonic/seed.


  1. A passphrase protects you against this attack.
  2. A passphrase is a second factor authentication (2FA) to your device.
  3. You can have as many hidden or decoy wallets as you want.
  4. Different passphrases -> different wallets.
  5. Because random number generation comes from: mnemonic + passphrase (simplified).
  6. No passphrase => empty string (""), only the mnemonic/seed is used.
  7. Mistyping a passphrase will generate a completely new wallet.
  8. [Hypothetically] You could share the mnemonic with your loved ones yet have perfectly hidden wallets.
  9. Ps: a sentence is easy to remember and really hard for computers to brute force.
