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Growing the Web3 Economy

March 09, 2020

I think the greatest thing about ethereum is that anybody can design incentives to accomplish a particular goal.

Hence I think we shouldn’t get stuck with the Bitcoin paradigm of hodling coins until you die. Have some Bitcoin and have a long term mindset with it. But with ether the best way to grow the web3 economy is by being generous.

If you see someone doing great work. Tip or send them ether, tokens, or some NFT digital art. It goes a long way.

We are not going to die of starvation. And you can’t bring your coins with you when you die. They are likely to get lost forever because you were the only one with the private keys.

So the best way to onboard peeps who don’t have ether yet, is to tip / pay them for something of value they are doing. That will unleash a chain reaction. If I were a philosopher I would write:

Generosity begets generosity :)

I, myself, have to work really hard on this. I’m paranoid about wasting food coz I always think I might not have it in the future. But we’re the less likely to die of starvation than anybody in previous generations.

So with Ether. Spread it to where you see value. Let’s grow the Eth economy/gdp together.

PS: A platform which can give you a glimpse of the future is Gitcoin.